Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Look 6881

I won a giveaway from Victoria.  She sent me beautiful blue and purple plaid taffeta and blue tulle that was already cut out and the pattern.

Here is the pattern.

What is really interesting is a couple of days after I received this, my MIL saw it and told me she had purchased this same pattern and was making a dress for the bear cub with it.

Q gave me a sewing weekend by taking the girls up to see my mom yesterday and I had planned to get a number of projects done, but this was really the only thing I did because I got really sick and ended up spending most of the weekend on the couch watching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

Anyway, the dress came out beautifully and I really love it.  I don't normally like plaid, but if I were to choose one, this would be the one that I would pick out.  I had some purple trim that matches it exactly, though for some reason, the flowers look off in the picture.  I did alter the construction a bit so that there would fewer seams against the body and also I gathered the tulle on both sides since I felt like it didn't have enough impact as a single layer.

It's a little short on the nerdlet for my tastes but I think it will be long enough for the bear cub, but she wasn't in a good enough mood to play barbie dress up doll for me tonight.  In any case, it will fit Darth Baby perfectly when she grows a few inches.

My MIL made a lot of changes to hers.  She took out the zipper, altered the construction, removed the lining, and possibly others than I haven't noticed yet.  Katie had no interest in modeling this one and as it is slightly shorter than the one I made, I figured it will be fore the bear cub anyway, but here is her version.

My MIL makes a lot of clothes for my girls and I normally don't include them, but I really wanted to show how much possibility there is in the pattern.

I haven't included a lot of sewing posts recently, not because I haven't been sewing (though it has been less), but the bear cub has recently started preschool at a elementary school that isn't that close and I've been really busy with that and a few other things.  I plan on posting on her entering school and also catching up on the Burda magazines, the most recent of which I actually loved.  I'm also really excited about the upcoming Ottobre magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is so cute; what a lovely dress for your daughter! NOthing at all wrong with watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the weekend, I would do the same given half the chance :)
