Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Bear Cub's Birthday

The bear cub got an early birthday present of 300 ball pit balls from my sister R. So you can guess what I have been doing non stop the last 24 hours.

My husband and I are debating over actually buying them a ball pit.


  1. I like the improvised ball pit. They are having fun anyways.

  2. What a great idea for a b-day gift! I *loved* ball pits when I was a kid...heck, I'd enjoy playing in one now, provided I knew it was clean. ;) The laundry basket was a great improv.

  3. Hi, K. I linked to your blog through BBC (a post from Sally about JK's signing). Your girls are gorgeous!
    I know this is a rather old post, and you've probably already gotten the ball pit, but if you haven't... I recommend getting an end-of-summer-clearance kiddie pool. You can go with an inflatable soft-sided pool or with the hard molded plastic (sort of depends on how much room you have). And then you'll have a kiddie pool for next summer.
