Sunday, November 20, 2011


Today I'm extremely grateful for the crockpot and deep freezer. I went out the night before last to pick up some medicine for Q and unfortunately I went on an empty stomach. My original intention was to pick up a sandwich at a fast food place on the way and I thought about how much cheaper and better it would be for me to buy something for dinner while I was out and instead of hitting Walgreens for the medicine, I went to HEB (our local grocery store). Also, I decided to make a mini-Thanksgiving for us to have at home instead of waiting for family meal at Q's parents on Thanksgiving. That way I could have oyster stuffing without forcing my tastes on my in-laws and not feel guilty about taking a turkey drumstick. I would also say that I'm really grateful that you can just buy drumsticks. I made the entire meal, which turned out to not be so mini, and most of it went into the freezer today after we ate. Also, I cooked the drumsticks and the sweet potatoes in the crockpot at the same time, which came out perfect. I'll do the regular baked potatoes the same way if I decide to do this again. While out, I also bought what I needed to make caldo and chorizo. The majority of the caldo is also in the freezer and likely most of the chorizo will go in the freezer tomorrow. The deep freezer is the smallest one that they sold when I was single and I'm beginning to think that it won't be long until I feel the need to upgrade, but for now my little freezer is definitely serving us well.


  1. We have a drawer freezer on the bottom of the fridge,an upright freezer that fits perfectly in a closet and a chest freezer in the you think we love food LOL.

  2. Michelle, when I first got the small chest freezer, I thought I would never fill it and now it and the drawer freezer are both almost always filled to capacity. I definitely love food.
