Friday, November 4, 2011


Today, I am so very grateful that my daughters have three wonderful grandparents that are nearby. None of the three have had issues with the bear cub's diagnosis and all three work hard to accommodate the nerdlet's unusual needs.

My mom is always willing to drive an hour and a half (each way) to be there for my girls. She never tells or promises them anything without following through or having a really good excuse. She shares her creativity and whimsy with them. She gives them all love and attention and treats them as individuals. She is sometimes skeptical of my parenting techniques but is always follows through with my choices and helps me when I need it.

Q's parents are also great. His dad works hard to learn anything to help with his grandchildren. He is always willing to spoil them by giving them what they want and thinks of them and their individual interests when they aren't around. He is an award-winning photographer, and if there are any pictures of the girls posted that catch your attention from their greatness, it is one of his. For every event, he takes his pictures and makes dvds movies with music for all of us to watch.

His mom spends a lot of time giving the girls love and attention. She is constantly finding new things to buy for her granddaughters. Our house looks like a toy store exploded in it mostly to her efforts. If any of the girls need to be held, Grandma Elmo is always willing to pick them up and cuddle. She also does a mean Elmo impression (in case your wondering where the nickname came from). When we visit, Grandma Elmo will pop out the toys and treats before you are done saying hello.

Every kid should be as lucky as my three when it comes to grandparents.

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