Monday, April 22, 2013

Dragon Bag

My MIL wanted a bag pattern and I found this one for her.  I was planning on using it for the bag I made with the dragons I got from my MIL, but I decided that I wanted to change it a little.  I wanted it to be a little sturdier and have more room in the bottom part.  My changes are really pretty minimal.  I made the main fabric out of one piece so that there isn't a seam at the bottom.  I changed the lining so that none of my seams lined up with the outer bag piece.  The final change was to sew in thick Peltex stabilizer in the bottom to give it a base at the bottom of the bag.

This is the finished bag from the bottom view.

My original plan.

After ironing the interfacing onto the outer bag fabric, I used HeatnBond.  I chose the wrong one and couldn't sew through it.  I was planning on stitching around at this point with a satin stitch, but I'll likely cover the edges with paint later instead.

I did make my straps differently in that I simply folded it in half and then folded the insides in.

 Then I pressed the straps and topstitched on both sides.

The finished bag with a skilled and large tupperwear inside to show the depth.

The other side.


  1. Cute! I love it!I have a few bag patterns but I really like this one :) Bags are one of the ONLY things I can make.

    1. Let me know if you need a more detailed explanation of what I did.
